
How to become a BALLDESIGNER customer ?

Register now

Thank you very much for your interest in BALLDESIGNER; we would like to welcome you as our customer. For registration purposes please send us a copy of your Business Registration as well as a extract from the Commercial Register, which states that you trade in sportballs  or you are aktiv in the sportsbusiness. 


This is necessary for your own protection since we do not supply to end users. You may send us the required information per E-mail on: sales@balldesigner.com


As soon a we receive the information we will send you your customer number and more details.

Welcome on board, we are looking forward to a succesfull business relationship. 


Note: Please fill out the fields marked with an asterisk.



Austria: office(@)balldesigner.at

Germany: office(@)balldesigner.de


contact: Worldwide




Corporate headquarters:
BALLDESIGNER | inh. Mark Zechiel, Johann Sebastian Bach Str. 9a | 4713 Gallspach | Austria | Europe
General Court: Grieskirchen |408/6880 | EORI: ATEOS1000004575 | UID Nr. ATU 62205036